Passport Services

1) Issue / Re-issue of Passports

  • In compliance with the regulations of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), only machine-readable printed passports are now to be accepted for international travel. 
  • Indian Passports are generally issued with a validity of 10 years (except in the case of children up to the age of 15 years where it is issued for a validity of 5 years). Their re-issue thereafter involves the issuance of a new passport.
  • Re-issuance of passport will be required if there is  achange in any entry printed on the passport/ an entry is to be added on the passport/ insufficient pages in the passport/ in case of passport lost/damaged.
  • A new passport can be issued one year before expiry or on expiry of any passport issued for full validity of 10 years (5 years in the case of minors).
  • Link for filling  online application: 
  • Documents to be attached  along with the print  of the  form filled at above link:
  • Venue for submission:

2) Issuance of First Passport to a minor child

It involves two steps:

  1. Please note that you must apply for registration of birth of new born child and obtain a birth certificate from the Consulate before applying for child’s passport.
  2. In cases of loss of passports for the Indian nationals visiting France (on tourist, business etc.), the Consulate issues Short Validity Passports or Emergency Certificates directly at the Consulate.

(Please note that this is not applicable to Indians residing in France. Residents can apply through VFS for reissue of passport under lost category. For more info please see point 1 above)' 

3 'In cases of loss of passports for the Indian nationals visiting France (on tourist, business etc.), the Consulate issues Short Validity Passports or Emergency Certificates directly at the Consulate.

(Please note that this is not applicable to Indians residing in France. Residents can apply through VFS for reissue of passport under lost category. For more info please see point 1 above)' 


  • Link for filling  online application: 
  • Documents to be attached for issuance of Short Validity Passports (On tourist/business VISA only; in case the applicant intends to visit a country other than India after Schengen area):
    •  Explanation
    • Annexure F (Duly filled and signed)
    •  Copy of police report in r/o lost passport
    •  Copy of passport
    •  Copy of Valid Schengen Visa
    •  Copy of Resident card of the country of return
    •  Personal Particular form
    •  Photographs-2 (as per specified format)
  • Documents to be attached   for issuance of Emergency Certificate (On tourist/business VISA only - In case the applicant is returning to India):
    • Explanation
    • Annexure F (Duly filled and signed)
    • Copy of police report in r/o lost passport
    • Copy of passport
    • Copy of Valid Schengen Visa
    • Photographs-2 (as per specified format)
    • Venue for submission:
      • Consular Section, Consulate General of India, Marseille (397, Avenue du Prado, Marseille-13008)

4) Issuance of Emergency Certificate for applicants whose statusis  not regular in France :

  • Link for filling  online application: 
  • Documents required for issuance of Emergency Certificate in case if the passport is lost:
    • Explanation
    • Immigrant declaration
    • Proof of residence in France
    • Annexure F (Duly filled and signed)
    • Copy of police report in r/o lost passport
    • Copy of passport
    • Copy of Valid Schengen Visa
    • Photographs-2 (as per specified format)
  • Documents required for issuance of Emergency Certificate in case if the passport is expired:
    • Explanation
    • Immigrant declaration
    • Proof of residence in France
    • Copy of passport
    • Copy of Valid Schengen Visa
    • Photographs-2 (as per specified format)
  • Venue for submission:
    • Consular Section, Consulate General of India, Marseille (397, Avenue du Prado, Marseille-13008)

5) Passport Surrender and Renunciation:

  • The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 does not allow dual citizenship. Holding an Indian passport / acquiring an Indian passport / travelling on an Indian passport after acquisition of foreign citizenship constitutes an offence under the Indian Passport Act, 1967, and attracts penalties. Indian nationals, who have already obtained citizenship of another countries  must renounce/ surrender their Indian passport immediately after acquisition of foreign citizenship.
  • All the persons of India origin, who have acquired foreign nationality on or before 31.05.2010 must surrender their Indian passport.  They will be issued 'Surrender Certificate' and cancelled Indian Passport.
  • All the persons of India origin, who have acquired foreign nationality on or after 01.06.2010, must surrender their Indian Passport and Renounce Indian citizenship. They need to apply for a Surrender Certificate and Renunciation of Indian nationality. Applicant should also submit self-declaration as per Annexure I along with their renunciation application. NOTE :- More details, application form  and  Annexure –I  etc. are available on following link:- Surrender certificate, cancelled Indian Passport, signed declaration and Renunciation certificate will be given back to the applicant.  
  • All the persons of India origin, who are unable to produce Indian passport should apply for a sworn affidavit stating the reasons for not being able to produce the Indian Passport. Along with Sworn affidavit they should also apply for renunciation of Indian nationality. Applicant should also submit self-declaration as per Annexure I along with their renunciation application. Sworn affidavit, signed declaration and Renunciation certificate will be given back to the applicant.
  • Please note that date on the Naturalisation Certificate will be treated as date of acquiring foreign nationality and not from the date the French/foreign passport was issued. The date of publication must therefore be mentioned on the Naturalisation Certificate.
  • Link for filling  online application: 
  • Documents to be attached for renunciation of Indian nationality  along with the print  of the  form filled at above link:

  • Documents to be attached for surrender certificate  along with the print  of the  form filled at above link:

  • Venue for submission:

6) Police Clearance Certificate (FOR INDIAN NATIONAL ONLY):

  • This service pertains to the issuance of a Police Clearance for Indian nationals residing in France. This is a document issued by the Consulate, certifying that the applicant has never been involved with the Indian police (a document which is required when a person applies for emigration status to countries).  
  • Link for filling  online application for Indian National Only: 
  • Documents to be attached along with the print of the form filled at above link:

  • Venue for submission:

7)  Fee Schedule:

(A) Passport Fee to be charged w.e.f. 02nd August, 2022:






(i) Issue/Re-Issue of Full validity 36 pages passport (where visa/recipisse/residential card is valid)

(ii) Issue/Re-issue of Short Validity 36 pages passport (where visa/recipisse/residential card is not valid)

60  Euros 

2 Euros 


Issue/Re-Issue of Full validity 60 pages Jumbo passport 

75 Euros 

2 Euros 


Issue of fresh passport or reissue of passport containing 36 pages for minors below eighteen years of age with validity of 5 years or till the minor attains the age of eighteen years, whichever is earlier

40 Euros 

2 Euros 


Re-Issue of passport of 36 pages in case of loss, stolen or damage

110 Euros

2 Euros 


Re-Issue of Jumbo passport of 60 pages in case of loss, stolen or damage

130 Euros

2 Euros

(B) Fee for services provided directly at the Consulate w.e.f w.e.f. 02 August 2022






Emergency Certificate 

12 Euros

2 Euros


Tatkaal Services for replacement of ordinary passport of 36 pages in lieu of lost or stolen passport 

290 Euros

2 Euros

(C.) Passport Related Consular Services fee






Surrender of Indian Passport fee when passport is submitted for issuing Surrender Certificate in cases where foreign citizenship was obtained before 01st June 2010.

23 Euros 

2 Euros 


Renunciation of Indian Nationality along with Surrender Certificate fee in respect of those who obtained foreign citizenship on or after 01st June 2010

111 Euros

2 Euros 


VFS services charges are also to be paid in addition to the passport fee & ICWF fees mentioned above


For more information regarding fees for various Passport & Consular Services:

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